FEA (Finite Elemental Analysis)
Why do you need this...
It is conducted to identify structural weaknesses in a component's design within a virtual environment.
It is also performed to analyze and compare various kinds of structural designs for the same component, in order to ascertain the most efficient one.
It is also conducted to save prototyping and testing costs, involved in fabrication and testing of a new design for a component, by obtaining computer simulated results for the same test and design.
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Analysis
Why do you need this...
It is conducted to identify fluid flow within and around a component/system, specifically providing information about how the design of the component interacts with a fluid (such as air, gas, water, oil, etc.).
It assists in visualization of the physical conditions that the component will experience when it interacts with a fluid medium, within a virtual environment which saves huge costs involved in a typical R&D project.
Further, it helps in identification of incoming fluid-flow trajectories and how these trajectories change when they come into contact with the component's vertices, surface and/or contours.
Product Analysis
CFS (Coupled-Field Simulation)
Why do you need this...
This kind of study analyses the combined effects of fluid flow and thermal flow, within and around a component/system, specifically providing information about how the design of the component interacts with a fluid (such as air, gas, water, oil, etc.) as well as the heat transfer process.
It assists in visualization of the physical conditions that the component will experience when it interacts with a fluid medium while undergoing a heat transfer process, within a virtual environment which saves huge costs involved in a typical R&D project.
Further, it helps in identification of incoming fluid-flow trajectories, how these trajectories change when they come into contact with the component's vertices, surface and/or contours, as well as how this fluid flow siphons/supplies heat from/to the component/system, by convective heat-flow visualizations.
Market Analysis
Why do you need this...
To Identify and analyze Technical Data of Product Specifications accumulated from various Market Players, within a Field of Interest, for Research & Development purposes.
To Determine who your competitors are within a market space within any Jurisdiction, for planning a Business strategy.
To Prospect and Gain a perspective of a market space, before engaging in Technology Transfer or other collaborative agreements with any market players, for gauging the Scope of the specific Technology, Product or Process.
Technology Due-Diligence Study
Why do you need this...
It helps in identifying an idea's feasibility in the real world.
It is conducted when a non-technical person wants to ascertain, whether a particular technology/prototype/product is worth investing in.
It helps in understanding and cataloguing the various scientific principles and phenomena that apply to the idea and also whether it holds true within their boundaries.
FMEA (Failure Mode Effect & Analysis)
Why do you need this...
This kind of analysis is majorly conducted to identify the specific weaknesses of a component's design or the weakest link in a system.
This study also helps us visualize and engineer specific failure/crumple zones within a component/system, which is generally done from a safety point-of-view with respect to the use of the product/system in the real world. By planning specific regions of failure within a component/system, in case of extreme situations faced by the component/system it will fail at the specified pre-emptive parameters which in turn protects the user, other components (in case of a system) or even portions of itself (in case of a component), so later repair/maintenance can be easily conducted at low costs.
This analysis also helps identify the minimum parameters required for a component/system to fail, by using this information a better design can be constructed to mitigate the minimum parameters to the desired values.