CAD - Computer Aided Design
Why do you need this...
This helps us visualize the functioning of your product, in a virtual 3D space.
The 3D models obtained by this method can be used to establish all the important individual components required for the product's operation as well as even attract investments.
It also helps us determine minor changes, which could be made to improve the functioning of the product, or to make it more efficient with respect to its performance.
Design /Material Optimization
Why do you need this...
To Determine the optimum material for the component's or product's functional purposes.
To prepare a robust yet elegant design, which has sufficient structural strength to handle intense unforeseen circumstances, as well as look appealing to an observer.
To improve material and/or design of an already existing component/product, for reduced cost/increase in ease, of manufacturing the same, while maintaining the Physical Characteristics/Properties of the new Design at par with the original Design.
Reverse Engineering CAD
Why do you need this...
It is generally conducted while designing complementary components, in order to check coupling between our designed component and an existing component.
Further, another reason for conducting this can be to analyze an already fabricated component in a virtual realm, in order to ascertain its capabilities and limits.
Another, less frequent use of this service, can also be to analyze a competitor product or component.
Product Research
Geometric Design & Tolerances
Why do you need this...
To Calculate and obtain Precise Designs along with specific Tolerances, for components prior to manufacturing them.
To ensure smooth assembly process of components with each other, once they are manufactured.
To determine which each specific portion of each individual component's behaviour with respect to specific portions of other components; during operation, assembly and maintenance.